Sunday, July 25, 2010

Restyles on Garage sale finds and more...

I'm sure you've gathered that I love the 'farmhouse' style or new country look (NO dusty rose please). Below are a few found items that I have restyled...sorry no before pictures, I'll try to remember next time!

This is a cupboard door that works perfectly for Graffiti painting or cutting required prior to adding the words (and the back already has holes for hanging from the hinges).

This one had no hole from a handle, however if it did we could add pegs of hooks along the bottom to cover it!

Old Doors are probably me favorite project right now, especially when they have keyhole locks!

I painted the solid wood door and antiqued it (using glaze). Rob, from The Tin Shoppe cuts all sorts of metal for me. Old things are always weird sizes and he is able to cut basiclly anything for me. For this project I used a paintable metal, paint does not scratch off, and a couple coats of chalkboard paint. Attached using PLpremium..voila!

Magnetic Chalkboard

Solid wood cupboard door!
I just chalkboard painted the inside, sanded the edges, and added some lettering and swirl.

My Grandmothers antique dresser got a makeover (yes I still need to add some handles back on)

It is now painted and glazed, along with a chocolate brown and burnt orange Graffiti flourish.

Time Out chairs always come in handy.

A Canada Day project (nothing redone..just a fun project)

My friend found me this wood night table at a garage sale ($5). I just painted it, sanded the edges and gave it a new knob...perfect for my daughter!

Are you into restyling? What was the project you were most happy with?

Saturday, July 24, 2010


New Logo For Family Farm:

The First weekend of October (weekend BEFORE Thanksgiving) we are planning an "Occasional Sale" to be held in this Barn and farmyard (see below). This barn was built by my husbands Grandfather and his brother many a year ago an is such a great place to snoop around an be inspired for "farmhouse" decor and antiques.

What is an Occasional Sale?
"A Flea Market type sale that occurs infrequenly, say...twice a year. The host hand-picks the vendors and typically features one style of collectables" ~ Flea Market Stye magazine aka my most favorite magazine

**we are looking for vendors! If you are interested please email us with some pictures of your products.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Today I'm just adding a couple of ideas!
These are both examples of custom Graffiti.

The first is for a baby gift, or its a great craft to do with children.

Below is probably my favorite right now, especially as we get closer to Christmas.

I should also mention that we have opened our ONLINE STORE! We have a great shipping deal for November.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Family Blocks

This is a new craft for GROUPS. Log onto our main website for more info on ordering for large groups ( I now have most of the costs posted)

Sometimes a consultant will make up completed projects to sell, so you may be able to snag a set from one of them as well.

Also, we have great news for the Drayton Valley Area! Tania & Tracy will be starting as Graffiti Consultants in the next week or so, send them an email if you are interested in looking at a catalogue or booking a party ... .

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Are you in charge of a women's retreat, craft night or even a children's craft?

We are offering 'set's of Graffiti to be used by larger groups. Please check out our main website for more information.

We will be adding more pictures and price information in the short-term, please contact Erin for more information.

My High School English teacher once told me that I should stick to math, as my father was a math teacher and it must run in the family... Therefore it has taken me 10 years to decide that a Blog might be fun way to connect with people and share ideas.

Now that teacher was right about some things, I myself became a math teacher. However he failed to see the side of me that is creative and expressive, and that is how Graffiti thrives and grows. It has become a bit of an obsession, it gives me an outlet for ideas in home decor and design which I love to share with others. However, above all I recieve pure joy when a customer is able to use Graffiti to express an innermost experience; one that otherwise would never be articulted. It has become a form of communication...communication with feeling.

If you stick with us you will find many spelling mistakes, typing errors and probably poor grammar. However I will be posting craft ideas, sharing thoughts on home decor, and letting you see a more complete picture of me.


p.s I also received honors in University English...thank heavens for spell check!